Lesson of the Little Critters

Scripture: 2nd Corinthians 5:21 - "For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."

When trials come, they keep us from pride and teach us dependence on God. Well, the mice came in, and I was really afraid of them. Whenever I entered my room, I would stomp in. I couldn't stop thinking about those little critters and definitely would not tolerate them. I even prayed about the mice and asked God to show me the lesson He had for me in this ordeal. He did exactly that, and I began to take action to rid the mice. I began to exercise authority instead of stomping into my rooms. Eventually, I stopped seeing evidence of any mice. God used those little critters to truly humble me and to disrupt the false peace or security in which I was resting.

Whenever I have hidden sin within my heart, I must state that the Lord knows how to allow situations to alarm and unsettle me. You see, I had the sin of pride, allowing my home to come before God's command to love unconditionally a particular neighbor. No barrier of sin or weakness can hold back God's forgiveness. We can't take any material things of this world to heaven. God has taught me not to hold tight to any dwelling place. I have an eternal heavenly home, not made with hands.

God has control over all creatures. I now watch out for the sin of pride. I thank God that we have Christ's righteousness on our accounts. We have authority to deal with anything that disrupts obeying the truth of God's Word. I must deal with the things in my heart that need to be done away with, things that do not look like Jesus.

Prayer: We thank you, Lord, for not remembering or holding our sins against us. You have given us the remedy to solve any problem of pride. Help us to walk in our authority as we follow Christ.

Linda Jackson


Marsha - September 15th, 2024 at 3:28am


Pastor Robert - September 15th, 2024 at 3:29am


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