Forgiveness and Being Restored

January 16, 2025

Scripture:  Ephesians 4:31-32  -  Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. 32 And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.

Life has many roadblocks and walls that divide and separate us.  Forgiveness unchecked or not dealt with properly according to God’s word will leave your life full of bitterness, hurt, damage, emotional pain, hatred, anger, resentment.  These types of attitudes of the heart will leave you miserable and in bondage to sin which leads to  no peace in your life, unhappiness, depression, and grieving the Holy Spirit’s power in your life.  It affects your fellowship with God.  God does not want this for your life, because you will be useless to Him in His kingdom or church --  the body of Christ.  How do you  find deliverance from this dilemma or situation?

•        We have to choose God’s blueprint --  His word on how to forgive others who have wronged you.
•        Jesus demonstrated the way to forgive.  (Luke 23:34)  Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. 
•        Jesus also said if we don’t forgive others, our heavenly Father won’t forgive us of our trespasses/sin. (Matthew 6:14)
•        Think about all of the sins you have committed against God. When you ask for forgiveness, He forgave you.  Why would you not want to forgive others?
•        Peter asked the question of how many times he should forgive his brother?  (Matthew 18:21-35) Jesus told him that we shouldn’t keep track of how many times we forgive someone.  We should always be willing to forgive others as God is always willing to forgive us –when we ask with a repentant heart.  There is no limit on forgiveness.  We are to follow the example of God – who forgives us of all of our past, present and future sins. 
Do we deserve forgiveness? No. God in His agape’ love, unconditionally loves us and  looks beyond our sinful heart and  extends grace and mercy to us.  We do have to ask forgiveness from God with a repentant heart.

In Matthew 18:15-17, Jesus tells us the guidelines for dealing with those who sin against us.  These biblical principles are designed by God to reconcile those who have offended us so that all Christians can live in harmony with one another.  It’s all about having a one-another mindset – having the mind of Christ.  God’s ways are not our ways.  When someone wrongs us, we often do the opposite of what Jesus recommends/commands.  We should turn away from hatred or resentment toward others, and seek revenge and/or pay back.  That’s the carnal way of doing things.  We should talk it out if possible and be humble (I Peter 3:6)  and forgive one another, and trust God to heal our broken heart.  Relationships can be restored.   Then both of you can move on in fellowship with God and one another.  This is real forgiveness God’s way.

Prayer:  Help us to always be ready to forgive others when they may do wrong against us.  You have set the example for us on how to forgive.  Sometimes it can be difficult to forgive, but we know if we depend on You and trust You for strength, we can forgive and truly restore others.  In Jesus name.  Amen.

(by Pastor Robert Williams)

1 Comment

Linda Jackson - January 17th, 2025 at 11:57am

I thank the LORD that I can forgive just like Jesus! By the Spirit of God, I can also NOT HOLD anything to anyone's account! When I think of true forgiveness, I forget not the incident, but rather I don't hold that incident, or remembrance against the offender. In doing so, I free up myself from bitterness, resentment & revenge. Restoration is for all parties involved. Thank you LORD for our forgiveness & restoration we have in Christ Jesus! We have the mind of Christ! He changes not! His obedience to the Cross is not forgotten either. Jesus carried out what the Father required to save sinners. Dear heavenly Father, teach me daily to forgive & restore with the mindset of Christ. In Jesus' Name, I do pray. Amen.

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