Gideon, The Fourth Period Judge of Israel

Scripture: Judges 17:6 - "In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes."

There were wicked enemy nations still in the land since Israel failed to obey God completely and drive them out. Israel threw out God's covenant made with her forefathers not to worship foreign gods. So, God allowed Israel to be oppressed and held captive for seven years by Midian, who ravaged the land. The Midianites and other eastern people invaded the country. They ruined Israel's crops, killed their sheep, cattle, and donkeys. Israel made shelters in mountain clefts, caves, and strongholds. Out of desperation, Israel cried out to the LORD for help and to be delivered. There was no central government after Joshua and the elders died. Only God can give us victory over sin and evil, and we will receive His help only when we serve Him alone.

The Angel of the LORD told Gideon that the LORD was with him and called him a mighty warrior. The Angel of the LORD also stated that He was sending Gideon. The Spirit of the LORD would give Gideon the needed power and ability to accomplish His will. Gideon's task was to deliver Israel from the Midianites (Judges 2:16-23 & Judges 6:11-16).

Judges 6:17-21 - The LORD gave Gideon a sign of the meat and unleavened bread being consumed by fire from the rock. Gideon asked the LORD later for more signs.
Testing of Gideon's Faith and Commitment - Judges 6:25-27

The burnt offering was to make payment for sins in general. It showed devotion to God. Even though Gideon was afraid and tore down the altar during the night, he was committed to doing it. Gideon had limited spiritual vision, but we have God's full revelation of salvation in Christ—the Bible. Christ's death was the perfect offering.

Gideon's challenge was to supply food for his family. He was resourceful, putting a winepress to double duty by turning it into a wheat threshing floor in order to keep it from the Midianites.

Gideon had his weak moments, but he was still God's servant and dedicated his personality traits to Him.

Obstacles Gideon had to overcome:
  • His doubts about the call itself.
  • His feelings of responsibility for his family's welfare and inadequacy for the job.
  • Gideon feared that his own limitations would keep God from working.

Prayer: Whenever we place genuine faith in You, LORD, You transform our lives. We can approach Your throne of grace with confidence to do Your will.

Linda Jackson


Marsha - September 4th, 2024 at 12:53am

Thank you for this devotional!

Pastor Robert - September 4th, 2024 at 12:59am


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